Bags of apples

Food Drive

We hope you are as excited as we are for “Virtual Vesak Festival 2022: Buddha’s Birthday Celebration” on Saturday May 28, 2022. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are organizing this annual festival virtually (ZOOM, YouTube Live & Facebook Live). The day is sure to be a wonderful celebration for all of us but in the spirit of Vesak we have decided to take this opportunity to help those less fortunate.

Every day, thousands of people in Ontario depend on food banks to feed themselves and their families. However, the demand on food banks is extremely high and they often run out of resources. Food banks are dependent upon generous donations from those who are able to donate. Goodwill and charity have always been distinct Buddhist values and Vesak is a time to bring happiness to others. So, in the spirit of Buddhism and Vesak, let us come together to provide help to those who need it. Any donation will be greatly appreciated.


With your donation, either we are going to buy the following items or we are going to make monetary donations to the food banks.


Thank you.


Organizing Committee

Virtual Vesak Festival 2022: Buddha’s Birthday Celebration

Food Banks

Mississauga Food Bank

A fundraising page for Virtual Vesak Festival 2022 is now available on their official web-site.

Markham Food Bank

The Virtual Vesak Festival 2022 poster was posted on their Facebook:


They collect donations via Canada Helps Website. Please remind individuals to include a message “Vesak Festival 2022” when they are making donations.

Parkdale Community Food Bank

A fundraising page for Virtual Vesak Festival 2022 was created on their donation web-site with Simplyk.

List of items most needed by Food4Kids.

Fruit Cups

Pears, Pineapple, Mixed fruit or applesauce (packed in juice… not syrup)

Cereal Bars

Kellogg’s All Bran Bars, Granola Bars (nut free) *****

Campbell’s Soup


Noodle Soup, Stagg Chili (Easy Open), Campbell’s Soup at Hand

Gold fish


Goldfish crackers (snack size), Raisins (snack boxes) *****

Fresh Fruit

Bags of apples, Box of Clementine oranges, Bananas